This page last changed on Jan 19, 2006 by rossmason.

A service descriptor is a file that contains a number of properties that describes how the internals of a transport provider is configured i.e. which Dispatcher factory to use or which endpoint builder to use.
The service descriptor must be a file with the same name as the protocol of the transport stored in the META-INF directory, where protocol might be Jms, Http or File.


The following describes each of the properties that can be set in a Transport service descriptor.

Property Description Required
connector The class name of the Connector class to use. This must be an implementation of org.mule.umo.provider.UMOConnector. Yes
connector.factory The class name of the Connector factory class to use when creating the connector instance. This can be used to gain greater control over the connector when it is created by Mule. This must be an implementation or org.mule.util.ObjectFactory and must return an implementation of org.mule.umo.provider.UMOConnector. No
message.receiver The class name of the Message Receiver class to use. This must be an implementation or org.mule.umo.provider.UMOMessageReceiver. No (if outbound only)
transacted.message.receiver The class name of the Transacted Message Receiver class to use. Some transports implement a transacted Message Receiver separately, in which case the MessageReceiver class can be specified here so Mule knows which receiver to use when creating endpoints that are transacted. This must be an implementation or org.mule.umo.provider.UMOMessageReceiver. No
dispatcher.factory The class name of the Dispatcher factory class to use. This must be an implementation of org.mule.umo.provider.UMOMessageDispatcherFactory. No (if inbound only)
message.adapter The Message adapter to use for this connector when receiving events. This is the class name of the Message Adapter to use which must implement org.mule.umo.providers.UMOMessageAdapter No (if outbound only)
inbound.transformer The default transformer to use on inbound endpoints using this transport if no transform has been explicitly set on the endpoint. The property is the class name of a transformer that implements org.mule.umo.UMOTransformer. No
outbound.transformer The default transformer to use on outbound endpoints using this transport if no transform has been explicitly set on the endpoint. The property is the class name of a transformer that implements org.mule.umo.UMOTransformer. No
response.transformer The default transformer to use on inbound endpoints using this transport if no transformer has been explicitly set for the response message flow in Request/Response style messaging. The property is the class name of a transformer that implements org.mule.umo.UMOTransformer. No
endpoint.builder The class name of the endpoint builder used to build an UMOEndpointURI from an URI address. Mule provides a standard set of endpoint builders such as ResourceNameEndpointBuilder used by JMS and VM, SocketEndpointBuilder used by Tcp, http and Udp, UrlEndpointBuilder used by soap. Custom endpoint builders should extend org.mule.impl.endpoint.AbstractEndpointBuilder. Yes
service.finder Where a transport provider has more than one implementation (such as Soap which has Axis and Glue implementations), a service finder can be used to determine which implementation should be used when it hasn't been explicitly defined by the endpoint i.e. soap:http://... rather than axis:http://... Usually a service finder will check for a known class for each of the transport implementations and return the transport-specific name to use when creating the connector. No
Document generated by Confluence on Nov 27, 2006 10:27